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How to do large file parallel encryption using GnuPG and GNU parallel?

I'm trying to write a parallel compress / encrypt backup script for archiving using GNU parallel, xz and GnuPG. The core part's of script is:

tar --create --format=posix --preserve-permissions --same-owner --directory $BASE/$name --to-stdout . \
    | parallel --pipe --recend '' --keep-order --block-size 128M "xz -9 --check=sha256 | gpg --encrypt --recipient $RECIPIENT" \
    | pv > $TARGET/$FILENAME

Without GnuPG encryption, it works great (uncompress and untar works), but after adding parallel encryption, it's fail to decrypt with below error:

[don't know]: invalid packet (ctb=0a)
gpg: WARNING: encrypted message has been manipulated!
gpg: decrypt_message failed: Unexpected error
: Truncated tar archive
tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors.

Because uncompressed size is as same as gnu parallel's block size(around 125M), I assume that it's related GnuPG's support of partial block encryption. How can I solve this problem?


Another parallel gpg encrption issue about random number generation


  • Pack

    tar --create --format=posix --preserve-permissions --same-owner --directory $BASE/$name --to-stdout . |
        parallel --pipe --recend '' --keep-order --block-size 128M "xz -9 --check=sha256 | gpg --encrypt --recipient $RECIPIENT;echo bLoCk EnD" |
        pv > $TARGET/$FILENAME


      parallel --pipe --recend 'bLoCk EnD\n' -N1 --keep-order --rrs 'gpg --decrypt | xz -d' |
      tar tv

    -N1 is needed to make sure we pass a single record at a time. GnuPG does not support decrypting multiple merged records.