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Bitcoin block and transaction regex

I want to be able to determine if a given hash represents a block, block height or transaction.

I know block are like ^[0-9]+$ and that ^0$ is valid since it's the genesis block. I know a block is in base58 with a length of 64 and usually starts with a 0. I know a transaction is in base58 with a length of 64.

Now I ended up with regex:

  • block height: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$
  • block hash: ^0+[BASE58]{63}$
  • transaction hash: ^[BASE58]{64}$

Yet I spotted some transactions with leading 0 so I guess it's not part of the Bitcoin protocol to have only blocks to start with 0s. I also run a regtest local (fake) network with difficulty=1 and all blocks do not start with 0s.

Is there any reliable way, most probably using regex, to differentiate a block hash from a transaction hash?


  • There are two main problems you will need to tackle: the first, and easier one, is the format of a transaction or block hash. These are SHA256 hashes of the corresponding serialized representations of the transaction or a block, meaning that these are just 32 byte arrays, commonly represented in hexadecimal to users. The regular expression to check validity for both therefore is simply


    as you noted blocks in Bitcoin (though not other cryptocurrencies such as litecoin) will have leading zeroes, with at least 8 zeroes due to the minimum difficulty, you could therefore also use the following:


    though keep in mind that transactions may also fall in that category, since they will on occasion produce a hash with leading zeroes (in expectation every 1/4294967296th transaction will have such a hash).

    The second, much harder, problem is to check whether the hash actually corresponds to a transaction or block. Think of it like this, while there are many valid e-mail addresses, only very few of them will actually correspond actual users. To perform this check you'd have to either have a complete copy of the blockchain and look for the matching items, or you can have another datastructure, e.g., index or bloomfilter, to check that such an item actually exists.