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Is this possible to do using plain BiFunction in method definition

I had the following problem: a method should take in a bi-function that takes 2 arguments - one is of type Collection<T> and the other is T; the actual function could be actually Collection::remove or Collection::add, or a more complex operation; the actual function is used for more than a dozen of collection and there are several types of values and collections in the function.

Initially there was no genericity - there were just Collection<String>s and elements were Strings so declaring the argument as BiFunction<Collection<String>, String, Boolean> worked just well:

List<String> idCodes;
void visitElement(Element e, 
                  BiFunction<Collection<String>, String, Boolean> elementOp) {
    elementOp.apply(idCodes, e.getIdCode());

However then I added other types of collections too, and found that I could no longer find out how to use BiFunction generically:

List<String> idCodes;
List<Integer> weights;

void visitElement(Element e, 
                  BiFunction<...> elementOp) {
    elementOp.apply(idCodes, e.getIdCode());
    elementOp.apply(weights, e.getWeight());

but failed - I could just get compile errors in one place or another no matter what I used for type parameters it would fail.

One of my attempts was

<T> void visitElement(Element e, 
                      BiFunction<Collection<T>, T, Boolean> elementOp) 

would fail not when passing in Collection::add but when actually applying the function to Collection<String> and String; or Collection<Integer> and int.

Then I made another interface:

interface ElementOp {
    <T> boolean apply(Collection<T> collection, T item);

And not so surprisingly this now works exactly as I wanted. Therefore my question is:

Do I really have to use

interface ElementOp {
    <T> boolean apply(Collection<T> collection, T item);

void visitElement(Element e, 
                  ElementOp elementOp) {
    elementOp.apply(idCodes, e.getIdCode());
    elementOp.apply(weights, e.getWeight());

or would it be somehow possible to use BiFunction for this case?

P.S. I am using Eclipse 4.3 Mars Java compiler, so it might just be that this might not work because of a some bug there.


  • You could not use a BiFunction with T generic that handles both cases (String and Integer).

    This code could not compile :

    <T> void visitElement(Element e,  
            BiFunction<Collection<T>, T, Boolean> elementOp) {  
       elementOp.apply(idCodes, e.getIdCode());
       elementOp.apply(weights, e.getWeight());

    as BiFunction is a generic class and you parameterized it with Collection<T> and T as function arguments.
    So you can only pass Collection<T> and T objects/variables while you pass Collection<String> and String in the fist call and Collection<Integer> and Integer in the second one.

    With this custom interface, things are different :

    interface ElementOp {
        <T> boolean apply(Collection<T> collection, T item);

    This works :

    elementOp.apply(idCodes, e.getIdCode());
    elementOp.apply(weights, e.getWeight());

    as contrary to BiFunction it may accept as parameters any variable declared with any class.
    The thing to retain is that ElementOp is not a generic class.
    T is indeed only a method scope generic that infers the type of the types of the passed arguments.

    To address your requirement : invoking multiple times the same method (Collection.add() or Collection.remove()) but with args of different types (String or Integer), you don't want to use a generic BiFunction<T,Collection<T>, Boolean>.
    The custom functional interface you introduced suits much better.