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javascriptarraysparseint + parseInt

var timeSplit = timeCaption.innerText.trim().split(' ');

will yield an Array of ["10:00", "–", "18:00"]

var startStr = timeSplit[0].split(':');

will yield an Array of ["10", "00"]

var res =;

will yield an Array of [10, NaN]


var res = (x) {
   return parseInt(x);

works correctly and will yield the "expected" Array of [10, 0]

I expect each string to be passed to parseInt which returns the correct interger value (and doing that separately also yields the correct result, just like the working code).

What am I missing here?

edit: I myself voted to close this question. Pretty obvious mistake. Thx guys!


  • parseInt accepts 2 arguments:

    1. string to be parsed
    2. radix

    .map calls your function with 3 arguments:

    1. the value
    2. the index
    3. array

    If you think about it,

    parseInt("00", 1)

    doesn't really make sense and it returns NaN. parseInt accepts radixes between 2 and 36.