There is a very weird problem with our Tomcat 8.0.32 installed under Ubuntu 16.x.
This problem starts to happen accidentally and exists until tomcat server restart (so it is reproducible after it begins happen).
What happens, is that some of the requests send by timer from JS application with proper cookie: JSESSIONID=
value are improperly processed: the Tomcat can not find Session
object for it (from Spring MVC
layer it means, that user is not authenticated). All requests with the same JSESSIONID being sent before this broken request, and all requests being send after (again with the same value of session id) - they all work fine!
We also certainly see that all headers in that request are correct (they are printed out by our application in some Filter), but Session
object is not restored.
So basically it sounds like under some circumstances the Tomcat starts ignoring JSESSIONID from the requests sent via redirect from another server. And again, this does not happen always, only after some time of web-application life.
I will not provide any code here or configuration settings. First, because it looks like the poor Tomcat problem, second, because configuration is standard (out of the box after apt-install).
My question is: how can we configure the Tomcat in order to log all operations related to the JSESSIONID processing? Like that it finds session for the given ID, or does not and so on.
UPD: This never happens with more newer version of Tomcat 8.5.5. But due to some reasons it can not be updated on that particular server. My current goal is to collect evidences about this behaviour to be sure that it is a bug, or some strange default configuration that tomcat installation.
According to the docs to enable debug logging for part of Tomcat's internals, you should configure both the appropriate logger(s) and the appropriate handler(s) to use the FINEST or ALL level. e.g.: