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compiling qml in macOS kdb+/q (CFLAG?)

I have an issue with compiling qml in my macOS environment. I am not from IT background so I do not fully understand every detail in compiling C/C++ programs.

I have attempted to compile qml library on my macOS-- but I have been getting this error: 'selecting C floating-point options... not found'

Due to above error, the configuration process terminates. From googling, I have figured that the default gcc compiler setting for macOS is different from those of linux/windows. Can anyone possible help me with what the issue could be? (i.e., what kind of programs / compilers should I install to somehow get 'CLFAG' environment variable defined?)

Thank you for help in advance.


  • You need to use gcc(not clang which is default on macOS).

    brew install gcc

    Then in qml folder

    ./configure CC=gcc-7

    After that follow normal make && make test && make install instructions