We use the new MacOS Ventura SMAppService functionality to offer a "Launch at Login" feature to our users. We do this in a very straightforward way:
We'd like to do some specific processing if we are launched at startup/login that we wouldn't do if just launched regularly. Specifically our users would prefer not to see any windows/UI if launched at startup as a menu bar app.
Is there any way to detect that our App has been launched at startup/login vs a regular user initiated launch?
Perhaps a command line argument or is there a special parent process we could look for? There doesn't seem to be a way to pass command line arguments and we don't know of any special parent process we could look for.
To answer my own question, it turns out this is possible. Inspired by this older answer which worked with the non Ventura API/paradigm.
Inside your AppDelegate:
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
NSAppleEventDescriptor* event = NSAppleEventManager.sharedAppleEventManager.currentAppleEvent;
BOOL launchedAsLoginItem = (event.eventID == kAEOpenApplication &&
[event paramDescriptorForKeyword:keyAEPropData].enumCodeValue == keyAELaunchedAsLogInItem);
and Swift:
let event = NSAppleEventManager.shared().currentAppleEvent
let launchedAsLogInItem =
event?.eventID == kAEOpenApplication &&
event?.paramDescriptor(forKeyword: keyAEPropData)?.enumCodeValue == keyAELaunchedAsLogInItem