So I'm trying to limit the options ,of an enum I declared in the base class, I can select in the derived class.
namespace FLYNET.Personeel
public enum Graad
public abstract class VliegendPersoneelslid : Personeelslid
public VliegendPersoneelslid()
public override decimal BerekenTotaleKostprijsPerDag()
return BasisKostprijsPerDag;
public List<Certificaat> Certificaten { get; set; }
The above is the enum I'm trying to use from the base class Staff. In the derived class Cabincrew I want to limit the options that can be selected in the constructor. If the wrong option is selected, it needs to throw a specified exception, so a bit like this :
namespace FLYNET.Personeel
public class CockpitPersoneel : VliegendPersoneelslid
public int VliegUren { get; set; }
public Graad Graad { get; set; }
public CockpitPersoneel()
if (Grade = Graad.Steward || Grade = Graad.Purser)
throw new Exception
public override decimal BerekenTotaleKostprijsPerDag()
decimal kostprijsPersoneel = 0m;
decimal percentage;
return kostprijsPersoneel;
I'm aware this is probably a beginners question (and it is :p) but please bear with me.
I suggest using extension methods in order to hide options
public enum Grade {
None, // <- zero option is often a good idea to include
Purser };
public static class GradeExtensions {
public static bool IsCabinCrue(this Grade grade) {
return grade == Grade.Steward || grade == Grade.Purser;
public static bool IsCockpitPersonnel(this Grade grade) {
return grade == Grade.Captain ||
grade == Grade.SeniorFlightOfficer ||
grade == Grade.SecondOfficer ||
grade == Grade.JuniorFlightOfficer;
Then you can use extension methods as if their are methods of the enum when validating Grade
values provided:
public class CabinCrue {
public CabinCrue(Grade grade) {
// Validation: Cabin Crue grade only
// not Exception but ArgumentException: it's argument grade that's wrong
if (!grade.IsCabinCrue())
throw new ArgumentException("Cabin crue only", "grade");
Grade = grade;
public Grade Grade {
private set;