I would like to make an efficient version of the LCS algorithm in elm. I like this ocaml version but it uses side effects in order to cache the results as it goes.
let lcs xs ys =
let cache = Hashtbl.create 16 in
let rec lcs xs ys =
try Hashtbl.find cache (xs, ys) with
| Not_found ->
let result =
match xs, ys with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| x :: xs, y :: ys when x = y ->
x :: lcs xs ys
| _ :: xs_rest, _ :: ys_rest ->
let a = lcs xs_rest ys in
let b = lcs xs ys_rest in
if (List.length a) > (List.length b) then a else b
Hashtbl.add cache (xs, ys) result;
lcs xs ys
How should I do if I want to use memoization in elm?
Gilbert Kennen on slack gave me a version that seems to work even better:
lcs : List a -> List a -> List a
lcs xs ys =
lcsHelper xs ys ( 0, 0 ) Dict.empty
|> Dict.get ( 0, 0 )
|> Maybe.map Tuple.second
|> Maybe.withDefault []
lcsHelper : List a -> List a -> ( Int, Int ) -> Dict ( Int, Int ) ( Int, List a ) -> Dict ( Int, Int ) ( Int, List a )
lcsHelper xs ys position memo =
case ( Dict.get position memo, xs, ys ) of
( Nothing, x :: xRest, y :: yRest ) ->
nextYPos =
Tuple.mapSecond ((+) 1) position
nextXPos =
Tuple.mapFirst ((+) 1) position
newMemo =
|> lcsHelper xs yRest nextYPos
|> lcsHelper xRest ys nextXPos
best =
(get nextXPos newMemo)
(get nextYPos newMemo)
|> consIfEqual x y
Dict.insert position best newMemo
_ ->
get : ( Int, Int ) -> Dict ( Int, Int ) ( Int, List a ) -> ( Int, List a )
get position memo =
Dict.get position memo |> Maybe.withDefault ( 0, [] )
maxListTuple : ( Int, List a ) -> ( Int, List a ) -> ( Int, List a )
maxListTuple ( xLen, xs ) ( yLen, ys ) =
if yLen > xLen then
( yLen, ys )
( xLen, xs )
consIfEqual : a -> a -> ( Int, List a ) -> ( Int, List a )
consIfEqual x y ( listLen, list ) =
if x == y then
( listLen + 1, x :: list )
( listLen, list )
it uses a dictionary to cache the results as it goes.