I have an issue with new version of Eclipse (CDT). I had previously Eclipse Neon. It worked fine, but I noticed a new version, Oxygen, and wanted to use it.
I downloaded Eclipse Oxygen and started it. It said that my version of workspace was created with older version of Eclipse and it must update the workspace to new version. I agreed.
After that, when I was walking through my code, I noticed that in some classes, when I press Ctrl-left-click on class name, it doesn't jump to the class definition. I am sure that it worked fine previously with Neon. I also know that I can use F3 instead of Ctrl-left-click, but I like clicking and dont' want to search for the F3 key on the keyboard every time (it is faster for me to press Ctrl and click on the class name). Surprisingly, in other places of my code, the functionality of Ctrl-left-click still works as expected. I don't know what happened. Something is clearly broken.
I checked if creating workspace from scratch helps, but not, when I removed .metadata
directory and created everything again, the problem still exists. In some places Ctrl-left-click works, in other not. F3 always works.
It is very annoying. I remember that I had this problem before when I was upgrading my Eclipse, downloaded a new version and this Ctrl-left-click stopped working. So it is not only about the Oxygen version. I am wondering - do I do something wrong here?
Did you have a similar problem before? I tried googling the problem but with no success.
This sound like Eclipse bug 517610.
See comment 5 for a workaround:
The bug fix is scheduled for Oxygen.1, which will be released on September 27th 2017. Alternatively, you can update to latest development build (which should already contain the fix) via the update site http://download.eclipse.org/tools/cdt/builds/master/nightly