I need to remove everything after the second colon. I have several date formats, that need to be cleaned using the same algorithm.
a <- "2016-12-31T18:31:34Z"
b <- "2016-12-31T18:31Z"
I have tried to match on the two column groups, but I cannot seem to find out how to remove the second match group.
sub("(:.*){2}", "", "2016-12-31T18:31:34Z")
A regex you can use: (:[^:]+):.*
which you can check on: regex101 and use like
sub("(:[^:]+):.*", "\\1", "2016-12-31T18:31:34Z")
[1] "2016-12-31T18:31"
sub("(:[^:]+):.*", "\\1", "2016-12-31T18:31Z")
[1] "2016-12-31T18:31Z"