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Constructing a randomised matrix with no duplicates but fixed partial input

I´m facing a problem with constructing a randomised matrix where I partially already have values (that need to stay fixed - so no further randomisation there).

Lets see:

matrix should end up being 10 by 10

 n <- 10 

I do want my first rows to be the data I enter. e.g:

  row1<- c(1,4,7,6,5,3,2,8,9,10)
  row2<- c(10,7,3,2,1,4,5,9,8,6)
  row3<- c(9,2,4,3,8,7,10,1,6,5)

To bild a matrix with 10 rows (and 10 columns) I combined those rows with samples (no replace because I want each number to be unique in each row).



     [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
row1    1    4    7    6    5    3    2    8    9    10
row2   10    7    3    2    1    4    5    9    8     6
row3    9    2    4    3    8    7   10    1    6     5
        6    1    5    4    2   10    3    8    7     9
        2    5    7    8    9    6    1    3    4    10
       10    6    4    1    8    3    7    2    5     9
        8    5    3    2    4    1   10    7    6     9
       10    7    9    6    8    2    5    4    3     1
        1   10    8    4    7    3    5    2    6     9
        2    1   10    4    8    9    3    6    5     7

So far so good.. However now I have the problem that there is no control for unique numbers in the columns. This is what I would need though. I get that this the case because I used rbind (and therefore only the function of no duplicates only works for the rows). But I do not know how else to approach this problem. The rows 1-3 should stay exactly as they are now.

Any ideas?


  • I think my previous solution Fixed values not repeated over column and row can be modified to work. You need a solver, but instead of starting with a empty grid, it starts with a pre-filled matrix:

    # x is your matrix, "not filled" values should be NA
    # x is a square matrix with dimension n (big n will take longer to converge)
    backtrack = function(x){
      n = ncol(x)
      cells = list()
      k = 1
      for (i in 1:n){
        for (j in 1:n){
          if ([i, j]))
            cells[[k]] = sample(1:n)
            cells[[k]] = NULL
          k = k + 1
      i = 0
      while (i < n*n){
        if (is.null(cells[[i+1]])){
        candidates = cells[[i + 1]]
        idx = sample(1:length(candidates), 1)
        val = candidates[idx]
        if (length(candidates) == 0){
          cells[[i + 1]] = sample(1:n)
          i = i - 1
          x[as.integer(i/n) + 1,  i %% n + 1] = NA
        else {
          rr = as.integer(i/n) + 1
          cc = i %% n + 1
          if ((val %in% x[rr, ]) || (val %in% x[, cc])){
            candidates = candidates[-idx]
            cells[[i + 1]] = candidates
            x[as.integer(i/n) + 1, i %% n + 1] = val
            candidates = candidates[-idx]
            cells[[i + 1]] = candidates
            i = i + 1

    Empty initial matrix

    x = backtrack(matrix(NA, nrow = 10, ncol = 10))
        [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
     [1,]    8   10    4    6    9    7    1    2    3     5
     [2,]    5    6    9    8    1   10    4    3    2     7
     [3,]   10    7    1    2    8    9    5    4    6     3
     [4,]    3    9    8   10    6    5    7    1    4     2
     [5,]    9    1    6    4    7    3    2    5   10     8
     [6,]    1    4   10    3    2    6    8    7    5     9
     [7,]    2    8    5    9   10    1    3    6    7     4
     [8,]    6    5    2    7    3    4   10    9    8     1
     [9,]    4    3    7    1    5    2    6    8    9    10
    [10,]    7    2    3    5    4    8    9   10    1     6

    Pre-filled initial matrix

    m = matrix(NA, ncol = 10, nrow = 10)
    m[1, ] = c(1,4,7,6,5,3,2,8,9,10)
    m[2, ] = c(10,7,3,2,1,4,5,9,8,6)
    m[3, ] = c(9,2,4,3,8,7,10,1,6,5)
    x = backtrack(m)
         [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10]
     [1,]    1    4    7    6    5    3    2    8    9    10
     [2,]   10    7    3    2    1    4    5    9    8     6
     [3,]    9    2    4    3    8    7   10    1    6     5
     [4,]    5    9    6    8    3    2    4    7   10     1
     [5,]    7    1    5   10    9    6    3    2    4     8
     [6,]    2    5    8    1   10    9    6    3    7     4
     [7,]    6    3    1    4    7    5    8   10    2     9
     [8,]    8   10    9    5    4    1    7    6    3     2
     [9,]    3    6   10    9    2    8    1    4    5     7
    [10,]    4    8    2    7    6   10    9    5    1     3

    NOTE: I didn't tested it for bugs.