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Reading Array of the json in JsonCpp

I tried to write a simple JSON reader for my program then I use JsonCpp. I have this JSON from my web server:


And this is my C++ code:

    Json::Reader reader;
    Json::Value root;

    reader.parse(jsonContext, root, false);

    const Json::Value entriesArray = root["return"]["entries"];

    int A = entriesArray["sender"].asInt();

    cout << A;

It's print only 0, I can't read the sender or any other element of the entries array. I want get the value of the cost or sender for example.

How can I do that?


    1. your root contains 2 elements "return" and "entries" so or root["return"] or root["entries"]

    2. Then - array contains a list of members - so even if it only one entry - you still have to get it.

    3. if value is quoted - it is string - you cannot use getInt on it. For example getInt is applicable to "status" not "sender"

    Here is the whole sample

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <json/json.h>
    int main()
        std::string s = R"({
        Json::Reader reader;
        Json::Value root;
        reader.parse(s, root, false);
        auto entriesArray = root["entries"];
        auto firstelem = entriesArray[0];
        std::string sender = firstelem["sender"].asString();
        int i = std::stoi(sender);
        std::cout << "array:" << entriesArray << "\n";
        std::cout << "element:" << firstelem << "\n";
        std::cout << "value:" << sender << "\n";
        std::cout << "parsed value:" << i << "\n";


                    "cost" : 140,
                    "date" : 1234,
                    "message" : "CplusItsGood",
                    "messageid" : 185002992,
                    "receptor" : "123456789",
                    "sender" : "1234567",
                    "status" : 1,
                    "statustext" : "test"
            "cost" : 140,
            "date" : 1234,
            "message" : "CplusItsGood",
            "messageid" : 185002992,
            "receptor" : "123456789",
            "sender" : "1234567",
            "status" : 1,
            "statustext" : "test"
    parsed value:1234567