I have implemented a side menu that has a link tag for each section but I am unsure how to implement the functionality when clicking on them the user is taken to the specific section. I understand how to do it if the it was in the same component and if I was generating the sections in a normal fashion but I am doing it in a different way and I am unsure how to implement something like react-scroll or scrollchor.
Here I am generating the sections with buildTree by mapping over some data I have in another file.
export default class CheckboxGroup extends PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.checkboxState = new Map();
this.state = {
checkboxState: new Map(),
static propTypes = {
data: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
onChange: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
counter: PropTypes.number,
treeCheckboxOnChange = (parentLabel, id, checked) => {
this.checkboxState = this.checkboxState.setIn([parentLabel, id], checked);
checkboxState: this.checkboxState,
mapParents = (counter, child) => {
const parentLabel = child.get('label');
return (
<li key={child.get('name')} className='field'>
<SegmentHeader style={segmentStyle} title={child.get('label')} icon={child.get('icon')}>
<div className='fields' style={zeroMargin}>
<div className='four wide field'>
label={`Grant ${child.get('label')} Permissions`}
{child.get('items') && this.buildTree(child.get('items'), counter + child.get('name'), parentLabel)}
<div className='twelve wide field'>
<GrantDropdown checkboxState={this.state.checkboxState.get(parentLabel, new Map())} label={child.get('label')} childItems={child.get('items')}/>
mapDataArr = (counter, parentLabel) => (child) => (
(counter === 0) ?
this.mapParents(counter, child)
<li key={child.get('name')}>
<TreeCheckbox label={child.get('label')} parentLabel={parentLabel} onChange={this.treeCheckboxOnChange}/>
{child.get('items') && this.buildTree(child.get('items'), counter + child.get('name'), parentLabel)}
buildTree = (dataArr, counter, parentLabel) => (
<ul key={counter} style={listStyle}>
{dataArr.map(this.mapDataArr(counter, parentLabel))}
render() {
return (
<div className='tree-view'>
{this.buildTree(this.props.data, this.props.counter)}
I have used the same technique to map over the data to create my sticky sideNav.
export default class SideNav extends Component {
static propTypes = {
data: PropTypes.any.isRequired,
counter: PropTypes.number,
mapPermissionNames = (counter, child) => (
<li key={child.get('name')}>
mapDataArr = (counter) => (child) => (
(counter === 0) ?
this.mapPermissionNames(counter, child)
<li key={child.get('name')}>
buildTree = (dataArr, counter) => (
<ul key={counter} style={listStyle}>
render() {
return (
<div className='tree-view'>
{this.buildTree(this.props.data, this.props.counter)}
and this is the parent where they both are rendered.
export default class LocationPermissions extends AbstractSettingsComponent {
handlePermissionChange = (e, { value }) => {
this.updatePerson('locationPermissions', value);
updateCheckmarks = (id, checked) => {
const { currentPerson } = this.props;
if (checked && !currentPerson.get('permissions').includes(id)) {
this.updatePerson('permissions', id, true);
} else if (!checked && currentPerson.get('permissions').includes(id)) {
this.filterItem(['currentPerson', 'permissions'], id, 1);
render() {
const { currentPerson } = this.props;
return (
<SegmentHeader icon='building' title='Location Permissions'>
<div className='two fields' style={zeroMarginBottom}>
<div className='field'>
label={`Grant ${this.getPerson()} permissions for...`}
value={currentPerson.get('locationPermissions') || 0}
{currentPerson.get('locationPermissions') === 2 &&
<div className='field'>
<label>Grant Location Admin Permissions For</label>
<LocationMultiSelect name='Every' {...this.props}/>
{currentPerson.get('locationPermissions') === 3 &&
<div className='fields'>
<div className='three wide field'>
<Sticky style={{ paddingTop: '15px' }}>
<div className='twelve wide field'>
I am having trouble understanding how to implement something like react-scroll or scrollchor or react-router link tags to be able to click on the section and scroll to that section on the page. Any suggestions would be very welcome.
I was able to just use the browser supported way by doing:
<a href={`#${child.get('label')}`}>{child.get('label')}</a>
And then just add an id to the list element.