I have a gulp-nodemon task in my gulp process. When I run the process, it gives an error FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
. I guss I have to set max_old_space_size
to resolve the issue. However, the process is driven by nodemon instead of node. How can I set the option in my gulp/nodemon task? Here is my gulp/nodemon task:
module.exports = {
waitForHapi: _waitForHapi,
nodemon: function () {
return nodemon({
script: 'server/server.js',
ext: 'js',
ignore: ['client', 'dist', 'node_modules', 'gulpfile.js']
.on('start', function () {
fs.writeFileSync('.server-refresh', 'waiting');
if (!openOpts.already) {
openOpts.already = true;
_waitForHapi(function () {
.pipe(open('', openOpts));
} else {
from https://stackoverflow.com/a/38381749/1699320
I just found out today that gulp can be given any V8 option and it will be passed to node. For example, do gulp yourTask --max_old_space_size=2000 and it will give you the results you want. To see a list of V8 flags to pass, type node --v8-options in your terminal.