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Force web app visitor to use Landscape mode on iPad

My app is not meant to be used in portrait mode on iPads (I handle other mobile devices differently). I need to show a message to the user to rotate their device into Landscape, in order to use the app.


  • controllers/application.js

    isPortrait: false,
    handlePortrait: function() {
      const mql = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)");
      if (! {
      if (mql.matches) {
        this.set('isPortrait', true);
      } else {
        this.set('isPortrait', false);
      mql.addListener((m) => {
        if (m.matches) {
          this.set('isPortrait', true);
        else {
          this.set('isPortrait', false);


    {{#if isPortrait}}
      <div class="text-center">
        <i class="fa fa-refresh fa-5x text-muted" aria-hidden="true"></i>
      <h2 class="text-center">Please rotate your device</h2>
      <h4 class="text-center text-muted">This app needs more horizontal space than is available in portrait orientation</h4>
        <!-- your normal template code here -->