Why is params_for not going through the changeset model is the main question. params_for generates 4 digits and 2 letters for postal_code (could be lowercase or uppercase). If the params_for would be going trough the changeset, it would be all uppercase afterwards. Why does this test currently fail?
Error message: Expected truthy, got nil
I've a company model, with this changeset:
def changeset(company, params \\ %{}) do
|> maybe_sanitize_postal_code(:postal_code)
defp maybe_sanitize_postal_code(changeset, attr) do
case get_change(changeset, attr) do
nil -> changeset
postal_code -> put_change(changeset, attr, sanitize_postal_code(postal_code))
defp sanitize_postal_code(postal_code) do
|> String.replace(~r/\s+/, "")
|> String.upcase()
I have this test:
test "create company with postal code", %{conn: conn, user: user} do
params = params_for(:company)
conn = post conn, company_path(conn, :create), company: params
assert json_response(conn, 201)["company"]["id"]
company = Repo.get_by(Company, params)
assert company
assert [user] == Repo.all Ecto.assoc(company, :users)
params_for docs: https://hexdocs.pm/ex_machina/ExMachina.Ecto.html#c:params_for/2
if params
contains lowercased postal_code
, it gets upcased by the changeset. However, Repo.get_by(Company, params)
still looks for the lowercase postal code, returning nil