I have two projects: StdLib
which is NETStandard 2.0
class library and Console.Framework
which is .NET Framework 4.6.1
Console application references the class library.
I try to build the solution using Cake build.
I use DotNetBuild
method (link) and I get this output:
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
Build started 9/12/2017 2:35:55 PM.
Project "C:\Projects\NetStdExample\NetStdExample.sln" on node 1 (Build target(s)).
Building solution configuration "Debug|Any CPU".
Project "C:\Projects\NetStdExample\NetStdExample.sln" (1) is building "C:\Projects\NetStdExample\NetStdExample.StdLib\NetStdExample.StdLib.csproj" (2) on node 1 (default targets).
C:\Projects\NetStdExample\NetStdExample.StdLib\NetStdExample.StdLib.csproj(1,1): error MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML namespace. If the project is authored in the
MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003" to the <Project> element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please convert it to MS
Build 2003 format.
Done Building Project "C:\Projects\NetStdExample\NetStdExample.StdLib\NetStdExample.StdLib.csproj" (default targets) -- FAILED.
Is there a way how to build this kind of project using Cake
The DotNetBuild
alias is an older alias, which makes an informed decision about whether to build:
the specified solution using MSBuild or XBuild.
i.e. it will look at what type of machine the build is currently running on, and either run MSBuild
or XBuild
From the sounds of your question, this doesn't sound like what you want. Instead, I think you are after the DotNetCore Aliases:
i.e. you can do something like:
To build the specified solution using the dotnet
It is likely that the DotNetBuild
alias will be obsoleted at some point.