I have just started building apps using WPF and Unity from a great source implementing the MVVM architecture. I have followed it nearly identical and reviewed the source code they have used and everything is nearly identical. I have created a class ContainerHelper class:
private static IUnityContainer _container;
static ContainerHelper()
_container = new UnityContainer();
_container.RegisterType<IEmployeesRepository, EmployeesRepository>(
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
public static IUnityContainer Container
get { return _container; }
And I have create a class EmployeeListViewModel:
private IEmployeesRepository _repo;
public EmployeeListViewModel(IEmployeesRepository repo)
_repo = repo;
EditEmployeeCommand = new RelayCommand<Employees>(OnEditEmployee);
AddEmployeeCommand = new RelayCommand(OnAddEmployee);
ClearSearchCommand = new RelayCommand(OnClearSearch);
private string _SearchInput;
public string SearchInput
get { return _SearchInput; }
SetProperty(ref _SearchInput, value);
private void FilterEmployee(string searchInput)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchInput))
Employees = new ObservableCollection<Employees>(_allEmployees);
Employees = new ObservableCollection<Employees>(_allEmployees.Where(e => e.FullName.ToLower().Contains(searchInput.ToLower())));
private void OnClearSearch()
SearchInput = null;
private void OnEditEmployee(Employees emp)
private void OnAddEmployee()
AddEmployeeRequested(new Employees { Id = Guid.NewGuid() });
public event Action<Employees> AddEmployeeRequested = delegate { };
public event Action<Employees> EditEmployeeRequest = delegate { };
private ObservableCollection<Employees> _Employees;
public ObservableCollection<Employees> Employees
get { return _Employees; }
set { SetProperty(ref _Employees, value); }
private List<Employees> _allEmployees;
public async void LoadEmplooyees()
_allEmployees = await _repo.GetEmployeesAsync();
Employees = new ObservableCollection<Employees>(_allEmployees);
public RelayCommand<Employees> EditEmployeeCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand AddEmployeeCommand { get; private set; }
public RelayCommand ClearSearchCommand { get; private set; }
And this is the line of code implementing and passing the EmployeeListViewModel using the ContainerHelper class:
private EmployeeListViewModel _EmployeeListViewModel;
_EmployeeListViewModel = ContainerHelper.Container.Resolve<EmployeeListViewModel>();
I don't understand why I am getting a non-generic method error using IUnityContainer.Resolve(type, sring, params ResolverOverride[]) cannot be used with type arguments.
I would like to understand more about this error and what i can do to fix it...I have looked in various places to find an answer.
Add the following using
directive at the top of the code file where you are calling the generic Resolve
using Microsoft.Practices.Unity;