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Knockout-Kendo: DropDown with Tooltip doesn't work

I'm using Knockout-Kendo bindings.

I need to use DropDownList with Tooltip, but using both bindings in one control doesn't work. Anyone knows why and how to fix it?

var ViewModel = function() 
   this.choices = ko.observableArray(["apple", "orange", "banana"]);
   this.selectedChoice = ko.observable();
   this.tipText = "I am a tooltip!";

ko.applyBindings(new ViewModel());

    data-bind="kendoDropDownList: { data: choices, value: selectedChoice }, 
               kendoTooltip: { content: tipText }" />


  • To fix, wrap it in a span and put the tooltip on the span.

    <span data-bind="kendoTooltip: { content: tipText }"><input data-bind="kendoDropDownList: { data: choices, value: selectedChoice }" /></span>

    As for why, my guess is that Kendo proxies the input item, so your tooltip winds up being attached to the hidden "real" input, not the visible Kendo dropdown.