My program uses a file database and I was wondering how to move a folder without deleting the files from within the folder. I am using java. When I press a button I would like them to move to a specified location. The code on the button looks like this:
private void uploadButtonActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
// TODO add your handling code here:
ProjectInfo.documentTitle = fileName.getText();
ProjectInfo.moveFileLocation = fileSpecificLocation.getText();
String name = userNameText.getText();
Signup.fileToMoveTo = "C:\\CloudAurora\\" + name + "\\";
String docTtl = ProjectInfo.documentTitle;
// docTtl.renameTo(new File(Signup.fileToMoveTo));
ProjectInfo.documentTitle = fileName.getText();
ProjectInfo.moveFileLocation = fileSpecificLocation.getText();
String name = userNameText.getText();
Signup.fileToMoveTo = "C:\\CloudAurora\\" + name + "\\";
String docTtl = ProjectInfo.documentTitle;
If Someone could help that would be awesome. I have looked for a way to do it but couldn't figure out how
I hope as per your case, I have mentioned the source file and destination file correctly. Below code should move the folders along with the file.
File srcFile = new File(docTtl);
File destFile = new File(Signup.fileToMoveTo);
/* Handle IOException for the below line */
Files.move(Paths.get(srcFile.getPath()), Paths.get(destFile.getPath()), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);