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NGRX: TypeError: Actions must have a type property

Being new to ngrx I am facing an exception and not sure why...

I am trying to dispatch an action and handle it in an effect, but I keep getting the error: TypeError: Actions must have a type property


export const TEST_ACTION = 'test_action';
export class TryTest implements Action {
    readonly type = TEST_ACTION;

    constructor(public playload: any) {
export type MyActions = TryTest;


import * as MyActions from "./myactions.actions";

export class MyEffects {
    testEffect = this.actions$
        .map((action: MyActions.TryTest) => {
            return 'something'

    constructor(private actions$: Actions) {}

Component: MyActions.TryTest({ name: 'test' }));

I am using:

effects: 4.0.5 and store: 4.0.3


  • If this helps someone else starting...Turns out I was not returning the Action that ngrx is expecting in the map operator.