Let's say I have an Iframe with the attribute sandbox="allow-scripts"
I might or might not be in control of the page loading that iframe. Is there any possibility how to prevent the iframe from sending postMessages other than overwriting the parents postMessage function - which I might not be able to do if the parent is not my domain.
A colleague came up with an idea. One can sum it up with: make the parent part of your domain so that you can overwrite its postMessage method.
If it is not possible to control the top window containing the iframe, why not put the original iframe within another iframe. The additional frame-layer can act as a firewall. By overwriting the postMessage-Method of that intermediate firewall-iframe one can make sure that the original iframe can postMessage whatever it wants but the firewall-iframe only forwards incomming messages that are wished to be postable.
Of course this comes with some constraints as to what has to be the destination domain of the postMessage-call.