I want my Java application to make a growl notification. My IDEs are Eclipse and Netbeans, and I am trying to implement a library in either (so far it worked it neither). How can I just add the library to my project and then reference the classes from within my own classes? Moreover, where can I find an appropriate library?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: Ok, now I have somehow managed to implement the library ^^ However: the following command fails:
It returns following error:
Message: no growl in java.library.path
How can I fix this?
About an appropriate library you should just google it. I found this one (that is tested on 10.5 so maybe it will need some tweaks): http://www.cocoaforge.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17320
To add the library to your project in Eclipse copy it into the project folder (this is not necessary, you could just copy it wherever you want, also in extension folder of the JDK) and then add it through the project settings: