I'm testing this on an Emulator with the Android O Developer Preview. On previous versions everything works fine.
I got a LoginFragment which shows a "Please Wait" progress dialog when the login is processing.
public class ProgressDialogHud extends DialogFragment {
private String messages;
public static ProgressDialogHud newInstance(String message) {
ProgressDialogHud dialog = new ProgressDialogHud();
// ...
return Dialog;
public class LoginFragment extends Fragment {
private DialogFragment mProgressDialog;
private void login() {
mProgressDialog = ProgressDialogHud.newInstance( "..." );
mProgressDialog.show( getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager(), "PROGRESS" );
private void onLoginFinished() {
mProgressDialog.dismiss(); // NullPointerException here because inside Fragment (DialogFragment extends Fragment) the FragmentManager is null
I did a litle debugging session and found that the DialogFragment uses 2 different FragmentManager for showing and hiding. On showing the fragment, the manager is not null, however it's null when it's hiding.
Here is the Stacktrace
Any ideas?
You were close to the answer already: good investigation.
Use getFragmentManager()
instead of getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager()
when showing the dialog.