How can I specify the actual file to process using the Run command in Notepad++. I want for example run pdflatex using the actualfile as input, or the cs compiler, etc. Using the entire path isn't practical, it must works with any actual file.
You can automatically add the current file using a variable in the execution string:
C:\temp\test.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
The list of available variables is documented here. Examples:
E:\My Web\main\welcome.html
E:\My Web\main
e.g.: SYS.PATH = %PATH%
<selection or word under cursor>
<text of the line line under cursor>
<line number>
<column number>
c:\Program Files\notepad++
c:\Program Files\notepad++\notepad++.exe
You can also see the source code at RunDlg.cpp line 77 and line 26