I am actually experimenting with GraphQL and GraphiQL using a Neo4j DB and using an example from the neo4j_movie_recommendations code. I have a very strange problem which seems to be either javascript- or GraphQL-related. I do a simple query and whereas I can see that the data is available to be returned by the resolver (using console.log) GraphQL return a 'null' value. The following is the code segment:
const resolveFunctions = {
Query: {
allVoters(_, params) {
let session = driver.session();
let query = "MATCH (voter:Voter) RETURN voter;"
return session.run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return result.records.map(record => {
console.log("Voter: " + JSON.stringify(record))
return record.get("voter").properties
Voter: {
memberOf(voter) {
let session = driver.session(),
params = { voterid: voter.voterid },
query = `
MATCH (v:Voter)-[:MEMBER_OF]->(g:Group)
WHERE v.voterid = $voterid
RETURN g.name AS groupname;
return session
.run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return result.records.map(record => {
console.log("Group Name " + record.get("groupname"))
return record.get("groupname")
The console.log show the correct value but GraphiQL shows the name, email..correctly but the memberof field it show 'null'. Can anyone see what I am doing wrong here?
This is the Schema....
export default `
type Voter {
voterid : String!
email : String!
name : String!
nickname : [String]
address : String
altAddress : String
dob : String
profession : String
telephone : String
gender : String
skills : [String]
votesIn : PD
livesIn : PD
memberOf : [Group]
type Group {
name : String
location : String
created : String
partof : Division
type PD {
number : String
location : String
created : String
description : String
partof : Division
type Division {
name : String
created : String
belongsto : Constituency
type Constituency {
name : String
created : String
reportsto : Region
type Region {
name : String
created : String
reportsto : Exec
type Exec {
name : String
created : String
type Query {
allVoters: [Voter]!
getVoter(voterid: String!): Voter
schema {
query: Query
EDIT...add Resolver Resolver code for getvoter:
getVoter(_, params) {
let session = driver.session();
let query = "MATCH (voter:Voter {voterid: $voterid}) RETURN voter;"
return session.run(query, params)
.then(result => {
return result.records.map(record => {
return record.get("voter").properties
Whatever your resolver returns has to be the correct type as defined by your schema. If you return the wrong type (a number instead of a string), GraphQL may try to coerce it into the correct type, but in most cases it will just return null.
Your memberOf
field is supposed to be an array of Group
objects. However, in your resolver, it looks like you return an array of strings instead:
return result.records.map(record => {
return record.get("groupname")
You'll need to utilize the toObject
method or otherwise convert the record into an Object with fields matching those specified in your schema for Group