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Android - How can i check if calendar date has been selected

I'm making a task manager application where I require the following details:- name (string), description (string), date (long) and importance (int).

I am currently stuck on figuring out how to get the date and also see if date from calendarView has been selected.

TextView name, description, importance;
    CalendarView calendar;
    Button submit;
    ArrayList<Task> myTasks = new ArrayList<>();

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    name = (TextView)findViewById(;
    description = (TextView)findViewById(;
    importance = (TextView)findViewById(;
    calendar = (CalendarView) findViewById(;

    submit = (Button)findViewById(;

    submit.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
        public void onClick(View v) {
            Task myTask = new Task(name.getText().toString(),



public void validateRule(EditText name, EditText description, CalendarView calendar, EditText importance){

    else if(description.getText().equals("")){

    else if(calendar.getDate()){


Once again, how can i determine if the date has been selected as it's one of my validation rules? Thanks


  • Please set a listener to the calendar view object which will allow you to create custom actions once the listener is triggered on a date change. OnDateChangeListener is a class method of calendar view object, more information can be accessed by referring to the code for CalendarView class.

    calendar.setOnDateChangeListener(new OnDateChangeListener() {
                public void onSelectedDayChange(CalendarView view, int year, int month,
                        int dayOfMonth) {