I'm using node to run citation.js to turn bibtex into HTML. Unfortunately the year is missing in the rendered HTML and I cannot see why.
var Cite = require("citation-js");
var bibtex =
'@article{id, ' +
' author={Happy Larry},' +
' date={2017-01-01},' +
' title="A Lovely Title"' +
var opts = {
type: 'html',
style: 'citation-vancouver',
var data = new Cite(bibtex, opts);
var g = data.get();
$ node ./test.js
<div class="csl-bib-body">
<div data-csl-entry-id="id" class="csl-entry">
<div class="csl-left-margin">1. </div><div class="csl-right-inline">Larry H. A Lovely Title.</div>
I would expect the year to be in there somewhere. Yet it fails to materialise no matter which CSL style I use. I've tried several chunks of bibtex, and I've downloaded several CSL styles from citationstyles.org. Everything else works as expected apart from the year, which is always missing.
Is this a bug in citation.js?
I notice that the year is missing in the output on the demo page.
This post is made in accordance with this meta post.
As @Rintze Zelle also said in the comments, this is (was) indeed a bug in Citation.js. It's fixed in v0.3.0-12
. This more general bug report in Citation.js has more info on the problem.