hey i would like to create a script that copy a row from a sheet to an other sheet each time i start the function so it will take the range of (H35:N35) sheet 'Bilan' and paste it in the first empty row of a column except the column 'A' in sheet "Stock", the column 'A' will be used to write the Date (its for backing up the stocks of some goods each week ) the result is that i will get: Date of the first week | the stock row Date of the second week`| the stock row
I edited some scripts to work but i didn't succeed so am looking for your help
Thank You
Here you go. It's pretty simple it copys from Bilan!H35:N35 to the first empty row of Stock and it starts in column B for the full length of the input range.
function rangeCopy()
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh1=ss.getSheetByName('Bilan');
var sh2=ss.getSheetByName('Stock');
var rg1=sh1.getRange('H35:N35');
var rg2=sh2.getRange(sh2.getLastRow()+1,2,1,rg1.getWidth());