I'm want to auto wire the beans which are the var args aruments for my constructor.
Can I do that, if yes how can I achieve?
Here is the code I'm trying:
Public class ServiceImpl implements Service{
private Set<Rules> rules = new HashSet<Rules>();
public ServiceImpl(Rules... args) {
for (Rules r : args) {
I'm trying to inject in spring-config.xml
like below:
<bean id = "check" class="ServiceImpl">
<constructor-arg ref="notEmpty"></constructor-arg>
<constructor-arg ref="check"></constructor-arg>
Is there a way that I can achieve this with annotations and without passing constructor args
Yes, with annotations you can add @Autowired to the constructor and the IoC container will wire in all the Rules instances that are registered in the context:
public class ServiceImpl implements Service{
private Set<Rules> rules = new HashSet<Rules>();
public ServiceImpl(Rules... args) {
for (Rules r : args) {