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Build on appveyor .NET Standard 2.0

I migrate my project ( to .NET Standard 2.0 and my appveyor build is broken. How I can fix this?

My solution contains:

  • .NET Standard project
  • Console Application project
  • Class library (tests) project

I already tried wrote:

dotnet: 2.0.0
  - dotnet restore
  - dotnet build


- dotnet build TheLog/TheLog.csproj -c Release -f netstandard2.0
- msbuild TheLog.Demos/TheLog.Demos.csproj /p:Configuration=Release
- msbuild TheLog.Tests/TheLog.Tests.csproj /p:Configuration=Debug
- nunit-console TheLog.Tests/TheLog.Tests.csproj

But every time I have errors


  • You need to change your appveyor configuration to the VS 2017 image in order to build .NET Standard libraries and use the dotnet based tooling for csproj projects.