We are currently using scala 2.11.5 and 1 of my class has 22 fields.
case class CreateTransactionRequest(name: Option[String],
balance: Option[BigDecimal],
amount: BigDecimal,
currency: String,
dueDate: Option[DateTime],
orderDate: DateTime,
billing: Option[CreateAddressRequest],
shipping: Option[CreateAddressRequest],
status: String,
email: String,
paymentMethod: String,
paymentTerm: Option[String],
deliveryMethod: Option[String],
source: String,
attachments: Option[String],
agent: Option[String],
orders: Option[Set[CreateOrderRequest]],
otherCharges: Option[Seq[CreateTransactionOtherChargeRequest]],
notes: Option[Seq[CreateNoteRequest]],
subscribers: Option[Seq[String]],
trackingId: Option[String],
acquisition: Option[String])
implicit val readsCreateTransactionRequest: Reads[CreateTransactionRequest] = Json.reads[CreateTransactionRequest]
Upon looking around I came across of a solution and applied it
val fields1to12: Reads[(Option[String], Option[BigDecimal], BigDecimal, String, Option[DateTime], DateTime, Option[CreateAddressRequest], Option[CreateAddressRequest], String, String, String, Option[String])] = (
(__ \ "name").read[Option[String]] and
(__ \ "balance").read[Option[BigDecimal]] and
(__ \ "amount").read[BigDecimal] and
(__ \ "currency").read[String] and
(__ \ "dueDate").read[Option[DateTime]] and
(__ \ "orderDate").read[DateTime] and
(__ \ "billing").read[Option[CreateAddressRequest]] and
(__ \ "shipping").read[Option[CreateAddressRequest]] and
(__ \ "status").read[String] and
(__ \ "email").read[String] and
(__ \ "paymentMethod").read[String] and
(__ \ "paymentTerm").read[Option[String]]
val fields13to22: Reads[(Option[String], String, Option[String], Option[String], Option[Set[CreateOrderRequest]], Option[Seq[CreateTransactionOtherChargeRequest]], Option[Seq[CreateNoteRequest]], Option[Seq[String]], Option[String], Option[String])] = (
(__ \ "deliveryMethod").read[Option[String]] and
(__ \ "source").read[String] and
(__ \ "attachments").read[Option[String]] and
(__ \ "agent").read[Option[String]] and
(__ \ "orders").read[Option[Set[CreateOrderRequest]]] and
(__ \ "otherCharges").read[Option[Seq[CreateTransactionOtherChargeRequest]]] and
(__ \ "notes").read[Option[Seq[CreateNoteRequest]]] and
(__ \ "subscribers").read[Option[Seq[String]]] and
(__ \ "trackingId").read[Option[String]] and
(__ \ "acquisition").read[Option[String]]
implicit val readsCreateTransactionRequest: Reads[CreateTransactionRequest] = (fields1to12, fields13to22) {
case((name, balance, amount, currency, dueDate, orderDate, billing, shipping, status, email, paymentMethod, paymentTerm), (deliveryMethod, source, attachments, agent, orders, otherCharges, notes, subscribers, trackingId, acquisition)) =>
CreateTransactionRequest(name, balance, amount, currency, dueDate, orderDate, billing, shipping, status, email, paymentMethod, paymentTerm, deliveryMethod, source, attachments, agent, orders, otherCharges, notes, subscribers, trackingId, acquisition)
I am sure that I have followed and tried from this link. Unfortunately, it is not working and I am still having errors
Can someone suggest some other way to split the 22 fields upon Read
Though the full code is not provided, i can see some problem in the code. At first, you are writing below code:
(__ \ "billing").read[Option[CreateAddressRequest]]
Here, CreateAddressRequest is not a primitive type. So, you need to write an implicit Writes for CreateAddressRequest.
Then, your maximum fields of the case class are optional. play can't manually serialize/deserialize optional fields. So, you need to have below code.
implicit def optionFormat[T: Format]: Format[Option[T]] = new Format[Option[T]] {
override def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[Option[T]] = json.validateOpt[T]
override def writes(o: Option[T]): JsValue = o match {
case Some(t) => implicitly[Writes[T]].writes(t)
case None => JsNull
And, play also can't serialize/deserialize Date fields. You need to write Writes of Date also. Below is a sample code for java.util.Date Write.
implicit object DateFormat extends Format[java.util.Date] {
val format = new java.text.SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
def reads(json: JsValue): JsResult[java.util.Date] = JsSuccess(format.parse(json.as[String]))
def writes(date: java.util.Date): JsString = JsString(format.format(date))
A sample has been explained here and you can read my article here