While implementing a script, I am facing the following issue : when putting the multi-line result of a command into a variable, it seems the last (empty) line of my multi-line string disappear.
This line is "empty", but however, I can not lose the carriage return it contains (because I am concatenating blocks of code saved in DB and containing "\n" character into a human-readable string... If I lose some of the "\n", I will lose a part of my code indentation)
Here is the code to illustrate my issue :
test2=`echo "$test"`;
echo "||$test2||";
This returns
while I was expecting :
--> the last (empty) line has disappeared... and a carriage return is thus missing in my human-readable code.
This issue only occurs when the last line of my multi-line string is empty...
Do you know
Note that I can of course not use the easiest solution
because the complete process is rather :
test2="`echo "$test" | sed -e 's/\^//g'`";
but I tried to simplify the issue the most I could.
Command substitutions always trim trailing newlines -- that's in accordance with design and specification. If you don't want that, you can append a fixed sigil character to your output and trim it, such that the newlines you want to preserve are before the sigil:
test_wip=$(printf '%sEND' "$test")