I have two array of objects as shown below:
$scope.countries = [
{'id' : 1, 'country_name':'India'},
{'id' : 10, 'country_name':'Australia'},
{'id' : 2, 'country_name':'England'}
$scope.states = [
{'state_id' : 1, 'state_name':'Delhi', 'country_id':{'id':1 ,'country_name':'India'}},
{'state_id' : 5, 'state_name':'London', 'country_id':{'id':2 ,'country_name':'England'}},
{'state_id' : 2, 'state_name':'Victoria', 'country_id':{'id':10 ,'country_name':'Australia'}}
I'm trying to filter the states based on the id inside the country_id object as shown below:
<select ng-model="sellerCountry" ng-options="item.id as item.country_name for item in countries" required>
<option value="">Select Country</option>
<select ng-model="sellerState" ng-options="item.id as item.state_name for item in states | filter : {country_id: { id : sellerCountry}, }" ng-disabled="!sellerCountry">
<option value="">Select State</option>
Here, when i select India ( where id = 1) from the first select box, i should only get Delhi to be displayed in second select, but its displaying Delhi (country_id.id = 1) and Victoria( country_id.id = 10 )
Need help to sort out this. Thanks in advance.
By default filters do contains
search, you should make that filter to do strict comparison, by passing 3rd parameter to true
to filter.
ng-options="item.id as item.state_name for item in states
| filter : {country_id: { id : sellerCountry} }: true"