I have dynamodb-janusgraph-storage-backend deployed on AWS and I am trying to figure out how to connect to the gremlin server from Java. I have sbt dependency of dynamodb-janusgraph-storage-backend in my project but I don't want to use the gremlin server running as part of my java application. I need it to run independently and connect java application to that.
I looked into multiple options like using Cluster (gremlin-java) and withRemote (gremlin-driver) but both have limitations. I would like to use the Java Gremlin API which I can't if I use Cluster. Using the withRemote method, I cannot figure out how to initialize the graph instance.
The examples on gremlin docs shows EmptyGraph.instance()
which I cannot use if I want to use JanusGraph API.
I need this part to work with Janusgraph:
Cluster cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml"); // this has hosts and ports to gremlin server running in AWS
graph = EmptyGraph.instance();
I need the graph
object to be JanusGraph type so I can use openManagement()
and other methods. Also, using the high-level Graph type, I cannot add new vertexes. I need to be able to do create, get, update from my java code.
Currently it is not possible to invoke the JanusGraph Schema APIs via the remote driver. If you don't want to open up a JanusGraph instance from your application, you'd have to build the schema as a String and use Client submit to send it to the Gremlin Server. You can still use the traversal source with remote driver to build and query the graph.
Cluster cluster = Cluster.open("conf/remote-objects.yaml");
// use client to create the schema
Client client = cluster.connect();
String schema = "mgmt=graph.openManagement();";
schema += "mgmt.makeVertexLabel(\"person\").make();";
schema += "mgmt.makeVertexLabel(\"person\");";
schema + "mgmt.makePropertyKey(\"name\").dataType(String.class).make();"
schema += "mgmt.commit(); true";
CompletableFuture<List<Result>> results = client.submit(schema).all();
// use traversals only to interact with the graph
Graph graph = EmptyGraph.instance();
GraphTraversalSource g = graph.traversal().withRemote(DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster));
Vertex v = g.addV("person").property("name", "pepe").next();
List<Vertex> vlist = g.V().toList();