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Override join 'ON' primary column in Criteria

I am using Criteria and I want to explicitly tell hibernate to join on specific columns rather than the primary and foreign key columns. My code is

.CreateCriteria("Application.Address", "Address", JoinType.FullJoin)

The query that runs for this is

Select * from Application app Full Join Address add ON app.AdressId = add.Id

I want the query to be as

Select * from Application app Full Join Address add ON app.PersonId = add.PersonId

I changed my criteria to

.CreateCriteria("Application.Address", "Address", JoinType.FullJoin, Restrictions.eqProperty("Application.Person.Id", "Address.Person.Id"))

The sql query that runs is

Select * from Application app Full Join Address add ON app.PersonId = add.PersonId and app.AdressId = add.Id

Is there a way I can explicitly mention in the criteria on the joins I wish to have ?


  • NHibernate always does joins basing on foreign keys. I guess that you have configured relationship between Application and Address entities via Application.AddressId foreign key. That's why you have app.AdressId = add.Id in join.

    If I'm right you cannot do the join on some other property. You can find a slower workaround with subqueries or write a sql query manually.

    See other answers:
