I want to get applied italic styles on word file data using docx4j api. but i am not getting it, anyone can help me please.
rPr.getI() and rPr.getICs() not working for it...
Below is my Input docx file text....
Curry, R. A., & Tempkin, B. B. (2010). Sonography: Introduction to normal structure and functional anatomy (3rd ed.). St. Louis: Saunders.
Frank, E., & Long, B. (2011). Merrill’s atlas of positioning and radiographic procedures (12th ed.). St. Louis: Mosby.
In this file i have Maintitle character style that contains italic styles, italic not applied directly....
try {
File docxFile = new File("/Users/gwmc-062/Desktop/temp/test.docx");
WordprocessingMLPackage wProcessorPackage = WordprocessingMLPackage.load(docxFile);
MainDocumentPart documentPart = wProcessorPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
Document wmlDocumentEl = (Document) documentPart.getJaxbElement();
Body body = wmlDocumentEl.getBody();
List<Object> paraList = TraversalUtil.getChildrenImpl(body);
for (Object paraObj : paraList) {
String paraStyle = null;
boolean paraStyleFlag = false;
if (paraObj.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("org.docx4j.wml.P")) {
String paraText = XmlUtils.unwrap(paraObj).toString();
PPr pPr = ((P) XmlUtils.unwrap(paraObj)).getPPr();
if (pPr != null && pPr.getPStyle() != null) {
paraStyle = pPr.getPStyle().getVal();
paraStyleFlag = true;
List<Object> paraWRList = TraversalUtil.getChildrenImpl(paraObj);
for (Object paraWR : paraWRList) {
String charStyle = "";
boolean charStyleFlag = false, isItalic = false, isBold = false;
if (paraWR.getClass().getName().equalsIgnoreCase("org.docx4j.wml.R")) {
RPr rPr = ((R) XmlUtils.unwrap(paraWR)).getRPr();
if (rPr != null && rPr.getRStyle() != null) {
charStyle = rPr.getRStyle().getVal();
if (charStyle.toLowerCase().contains("italic"))
isItalic = true;
if(rPr != null && (rPr.getI() != null || rPr.getICs() != null)){
isItalic = true;
if(rPr != null && (rPr.getB() != null || rPr.getBCs() != null)){
isBold = true;
List<Object> textList = TraversalUtil.getChildrenImpl(paraWR);
for (Object tObj : textList) {
Object textObject = XmlUtils.unwrap(tObj);
String className = textObject.getClass().getName();
if (className.equalsIgnoreCase("org.docx4j.wml.Text")) {
String textContent = ((Text) textObject).getValue();
}//END paraWR LOOP...
} catch (Exception ex) {
The actual solution is:-
Style tStyle = (Style)rPr.getParent();
if( tStyle.getRPr().getI().isVal()){
isItalic = true;