I have a ValueConverter that builds a PivotTable that used to have a observableCollection
var employees = values[0] as ObservableCollection<Employee>;
And in this converter I set my binding like this:
foreach( var employee in employees) {
int indexer = periods.IndexOf( period );
var tb = new TextBlock( ) {
TextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center,
tb.SetBinding( TextBlock.TextProperty, new Binding( ) {
ElementName = "root",
Path = new PropertyPath( "EmployeesCol[" + indexer.ToString( ) + "]." + Extensions.GetPropertyName( ( ) => employee.Name ) )
} );
Now my problem is that the binding used to work fine, the path looked like this:
But I since have changed the ObservableCollection to a ListCollectionView So this:
var employees = values[0] as ObservableCollection<Employee>;
Became this:
var employees( (ListCollectionView) values[0] ).Cast<Employee>( ).ToList( );
Now this does not work anymore:
You cant use the index (indexer) on a ListCollectionView like this, but how can I use the Indexer then on a ListCollectionView to bind to the correct item?
provide a method object GetItemAt(Int32)
to index the collection.
Just a pseudo code based on comments for your understanding would be (of course null reference checks etc. need to be done!!) :
var result = (EmployeesCol.GetItemAt(1) as Employee).Name;