When I try to write something from the method given by EPPlus i.e. It comes up with two error messages
We have found a problem with some content
Excel completed file level validation and repair. some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.
Excel opens successfully but, with error messages and one more thing excel I'm writing is already written that means it is a template.
Dim consh As ExcelWorksheet
'Dim excelStream As New MemoryStream()
'excelStream.Write(excel, 0, excel.Length)
Dim exlpck As New ExcelPackage(excel)
If exlpck.Workbook.Worksheets(cellExcelTabName) Is Nothing Then
consh = exlpck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(cellExcelTabName)
consh = exlpck.Workbook.Worksheets(cellExcelTabName)
End If
Dim start = consh.Dimension.Start
Dim [end] = consh.Dimension.[End]
For row As Integer = 4 To [end].Row
' Row by row...
For col As Integer = 18 To 35
' ... Cell by cell...
' This got me the actual value I needed.
Dim cellValue As String = consh.Cells(row, col).Text
Dim cellAddress = consh.Cells(row, col).Address
Dim i = 0
For Each mText In textToFind
If cellValue.Contains(mText) Then
consh.Cells(cellAddress).Value = cellValue.Replace(mText, "")[enter image description here][1]
consh.Cells(cellAddress).Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid
consh.Cells(cellAddress).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(color(mText.Substring(1, 1) - 1))
i = i + 1
End If
'Dim exlpck1 As New ExcelPackage(e)
Dim s = New MemoryStream(exlpck.GetAsByteArray())
Return s
I found the fix for my code
to be Replaced by
And it worked :)