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install of ember-bootstrap 1.x hangs

ember-cli: 2.14.2 node: 8.4.0 os: win32 x64

For some reason, my npm installation of any ember-bootstrap 1.x version always hangs on fsevents.

C:\Users\rrush\Documents\GitHub\xxxxxxxxxxx>npm install
[            ......] | extract:fsevents: sill extract is-descriptor@0.1.6

I've tried several versions of ember-bootstrap 1.x, node and ember(-cli). They always hang up on fsevents installation.

Any 0.x version will install just fine though.

From what I've gathered, fsevents is only meant to be installed on Mac, not on a Windows machine. Is there any way to circumvent the (trying to) install of fsevents ? I did npm install --no-optional, but to no avail...

EDIT 1: npm install ember-bootstrap@1.0.0-rc.1 --verbose --no-optional Out of all the 1.x options, this one seems to work.


  • Apparently the issue is located within npm, specifically on Windows machines. When you issue the download straight from github, it installs perfectly. The root cause is unknown so far.

    simonihmig (creator) had the following to say:

    I was able to reproduce this on Windows 10 (in a VirtualBox). I don't think the root issue is within ember-bootstrap, rather probably npm itself (some dead locking issue or so), as I was able to "fix" this by downgrading findup-sync (more a workaround, but worked for me). Here is a PR: #435. Took me quite some time...

    npm i --save-dev kaliber5/ember-bootstrap#downgrade-findup

    Link to this issue: ember-bootstrap issue 430