I'm moving a bare metal java application (jar jdk8) to docker containers and DC/OS. I am noticing an odd pattern on the dockers, we set -XMX to 32 gig and allocate a 36 gig docker container. Every few hours or so the application will spike in old gen mem allocation and the GC will get stuck in a loop ( maxing CPU) while it tries to do the heap dump.
Are there any optimizations or things I can use to see why in that 1-5 second interval we are spiking so fast? Are there any gotchas I might need to be aware of with Docker and JVM?
We are using default GC
Just for future reference:
We are using JDK 8 and it seems as if Oracle has just recently added some experimental flags for using Docker. I believe the case could have been when GC was allocating threads it wasn't respecting the docker thread count from cgroup. The experimental flags seemed to have fixed our "off the rails issue"