I have some D3D11 process I am hooking to capture frames. If the process calls Present()
, there is no problem to capture frame, but...
In some cases it has no visible window and no Present() method is called, but frame is really rendered. I can hook up Draw()
, ExecudeCommandList()
(and other) methods. Actually, there is no Present() called so I have no access to SwapChain's backbuffer. I suppose there is no SwapChain created when app is running w/o window.
When I hook Draw()
or ExecuteCommandList()
, I have access to D3D11Device
and D3D11DeviceContext
Using API monitor I captured some information on D3D11 calls at the end of each frame:
Does anyone have any idea how can I get the resulting frame? My purpose is to get frame into D3D11Texture2D.
I found that this method can be helpful for me: ID3D11DeviceContext::ResolveSubresource
, but I can't handle hooking it. It is amortized (in main app I am trying to grab frame).
Part of VTable log:
[56] 5E225520 (CContext::TID3D11DeviceContext_GetResourceMinLOD_<1>)
[57] 5E1B95C0 (CContext::TID3D11DeviceContext_ResolveSubresource_Amortized<1>)
[58] 5E21DEC0 (CContext::TID3D11DeviceContext_ExecuteCommandList_<1>)
Thanks 2!
If you have an access to ID3D11DeviceContext in any hooked D3D11 method, you can try calling OMGetRenderTargets method and get the resource from it:
ID3D11RenderTargetView *view = NULL;
pContext->OMGetRenderTargets(1, &view, NULL);
ID3D11Resource *pSourceResource = NULL;
Then you can save it to file as a Texture2D:
D3DX11SaveTextureToFile(pContext, pSourceResource, D3DX11_IFF_BMP, "image.bmp");
Or you can save Texture2D buffer on Output-Merger (OM) stage.