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OWL API changing IRIs of entities in axioms

I am using OWL API. My question is how can I modify IRIs of all Entities in all OWLAxiom axioms in my OWLOntology read from file. For example I want to modify all "http://xxx" to "http://yyy" in all axioms in my ontology. The selected example axiom in this ontology is:

SubClassOf(<http://xxx#A> <http://xxx#B>)

I need to receive e.g.:

SubClassOf(<http://yyy#A> <http://yyy#B>)

My question especially implies to changing the default IRI, therefore, I tried to specify:

PrefixOWLOntologyFormat prefix = (PrefixOWLOntologyFormat) manager.getOntologyFormat(ontology);

but it didn't change the IRIs in axioms.


  • One solution is to use the OWLEntityRenamer class.

    one basic usage is the following one :

    OWLEntityRenamer renamer = new OWLEntityRenamer(manager, Collections.singleton(ontology));
    Map<OWLEntity, IRI> entity2IRIMap = new HashMap<>();

    All individuals targeted by your Map<> will be rename. If you want to rename all yours individual by a pattern, you have to queries a complet list of your individuals to build the Map<>.

    Here a complete small example using OWLEntityRenamer :

        final OWLOntologyManager m = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
        final OWLOntology o = m.createOntology();
        o.add(OWL.classAssertion(OWL.Individual("xxx:1"), OWL.Class("b:y")));
        o.add(OWL.classAssertion(OWL.Individual("xxx:2"), OWL.Class("b:y")));
        o.add(OWL.classAssertion(OWL.Individual("xxx:3"), OWL.Class("b:y")));
        final OWLEntityRenamer renamer = new OWLEntityRenamer(m, Collections.singleton(o));
        final Map<OWLEntity, IRI> entity2IRIMap = new HashMap<>();
        o.individualsInSignature().forEach(toRename ->
            final IRI iri = toRename.getIRI();
            entity2IRIMap.put(toRename, IRI.create(iri.toString().replaceFirst("xxx", "yyy")));

    Should print :
