I'm trying to use $setOnInsert
using javascript, so I can insert the created_timestamp just the first time it hits Mongo.
var uri = new Packages.com.mongodb.MongoClientURI("mongodb://usr:pwd@localhost:27017/admin");
var mongoClient = new Packages.com.mongodb.MongoClient(uri);
var database = mongoClient.getDatabase("mydb");
var collection = database.getCollection("mycollection");
var curdate = DateUtil.getCurrentDate('yyyy-MM-dd');
var jsonDoc = JSON.stringify(
{ "unique_id": uid //comes from a var from other part of the code
"user" : {
"id": id,
"first": first,
"last": last,
$setOnInsert: {"created_timestamp": curdate},
"modified_timestamp": curdate
var doc = Packages.org.bson.Document.parse(jsonDoc);
var comp = Packages.org.bson.Document.parse(JSON.stringify({"unique_id": idd}));
collection.replaceOne(comp, doc, (new com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions().upsert(true)));
And I'm receiving always a message that says that $setOnInsert
is an invalid BSON field. What should I do?
BTW, I'm doing this javascript in Mirth. And already have its JARs, they are working fine when I'm just inserting documents. But I've been having this problem when I want to create the timestamp.
When I'm trying to use updateOne()
, instead of replaceOne()
Mirth gives me this error:
LINE NUMBER: 2030 DETAILS: Wrapped java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid BSON field name unique_id
When using this line:
collection.updateOne(comp, doc, (new com.mongodb.client.model.UpdateOptions().upsert(true)));
//line 2030
Even using Update, I don't know how should I use the setOnInsert function from this driver. Sincerelly, I'm not good when it comes to javascript.
To my knowledge, replaceOne()
does not support $setOnInsert
And am uncertain as to how the precise Mirth syntax should look like and I do not have an environment to try it out. However, in raw MongoDB syntax, what you want to get is something like this:
"unique_id": idd
// add any other field here that makes up your filter
$set: { "unique_id": uid },
$set: { "user": { "id": id, "first": first, "last": last } },
// add any other field to set as part of the update
$setOnInsert: {"created_timestamp": new Date()}
}, {
upsert: true
I hope this helps a little.
I would suggest you try passing the following instance to your updateOne command as the second parameter:
Document doc = new Document("unique_id", uid)
.append("user", new Document("first", first).append("last", last))
.append("$setOnInsert", new Document("created_timestamp": curdate));