I am looking for the correct syntax in Terraform JSON to write list or maps. There seems to be very few documentation on terraform as JSON (.tf.json)
I am currently getting the following error:
Error loading config: Error loading /var/tmp/base.tf.json: Error reading config for aws_instance[web]: Invalid dot index found: 'var.global.ami'. Values in maps and lists can be referenced using square bracket indexing, like: 'var.mymap["key"]' or 'var.mylist[1]'. in:
For the following code:
"resource": {
"aws_instance": {
"web": {
"ami": "${var.global.ami}",
"count": 2,
However when I tweak my code into
"resource": {
"aws_instance": {
"web": {
"ami": "${var.global["ami"]}",
"count": 2,
I then get the error:
Error loading config: Error parsing /var/tmp/base.tf.json: 5:33: illegal char
Also does anyone know terraform HCL to terraform JSON convertor?
Nearly there - you just need to escape the quotes within your JSON:
"resource": {
"aws_instance": {
"web": {
"ami": "${var.global[\"ami\"]}",
"count": 2,