Which one of the following designs is considered better for an API and why?
apiMethod(Map<A, B> aToB)
apiMethod(MapWrapper<A, B> mapWrapper)
where MapWrapper
is simply a class containing a reference to the Map.
What are the pros and cons of both the approaches?
You always strive for "minimalistic" APIs.
In this case: when your API works when passing a Map - then of course you choose that path. Why put the burden on your client to first wrap that map?!
The pro of option 1 is - this is the straight forward path.
Whereas option 2 only has the downside of making it harder to use the API.
In other words: if the central "property" of that parameter is "to be a map" - then it should be passed as map. But when the "central theme" is something different - then you pass something that goes along that other theme.