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Crystal Reports 2013: Formula field will not display on page

I have a formula called PickOutstanding. Here is the code:

if OnLastRecord and {@Calc} < 0 THEN 
    toText({@shipctns}-{#RTotal0}) & " Outstanding" 

which works on the report but does not show. For example: In the first image is my report, with where @PickOutstanding is highlighted


@PickOutstanding does not show. However when I click into it:


It clearly is showing right there. What could be causing it to be hidden on the report itself and how do I get it to show?

Full images in case it is difficult to see the difference between pictures



And Pic2:

enter image description here


  • It was an oversight on my part. OnLastRecord was only working on the very last record in the report. Did not work multi group. Will look into getting it to work per group.