I'm maintaining some old c# code and there's an asp:RadioButtonList...
<asp:RadioButtonList AutoPostBack="false" TextAlign="Right" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatLayout="Flow" runat="server" ID="radIncidentType" />
... which is populated in the code behind like so:
public static void PopulateRBL(string ListName, ref RadioButtonList ListToPopulate)
List<Lookup> radioList = GetLookup(ListName); //returns
foreach (Lookup entry in radioList)
ListItem item = new ListItem(" " + entry.Description + " ", entry.Code);
item.Attributes.Add("ItemId", entry.Id.ToString());
So each item added has a description, a code, and an extra attribute ItemId
There's then some validation performed on the onChange which has to interrogate the ItemId attribute. Currently is does it like this:
$('#ctl00_cphPage_radIncidentType input[type=radio]:checked').closest('span').attr('ItemId')
Which was working fine until I added a nested masterpage and to get it working I had to change the selector to:
$('#ctl00_ctl00_cphPage_nestedPage_radIncidentType input[type=radio]:checked').closest('span').attr('ItemId')
Obviously I'd like a neater selector, I've tried:
$('#<%= radIncidentType.ClientID %> input[type=radio]:checked').closest('span').attr('ItemId')
and ...
...but neither work. Can anyone suggest a way of getting the value for that ItemId
I tried the following and it works as desired...
$("[id$='_radIncidentType'] input[type=radio]:checked").closest('span').attr("ItemId")