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Actually, I am studying the ABP source code for building a new project using the unit of work module of ABP.
I wonder why this shows "the DbContext has been disposed", because In ABP, repository is defined as UOW.
An other situation is that, if I manually set a UOW class, the call will be ok as below.
Configuration.UnitOfWork.ConventionalUowSelectors.Add(type => type == typeof(MyCustomUowClass));
ABP framework was helped me I lot, once I began to work on the road of solution architecture.
It's important for me to figure out How this won't work.
Thanks for reading.
It's not a simple question, i know it should be disposed after using it.
but i don't know where to disposed, because it relate to the UOW of ABP methodology. I may missed something in somewhere.
Try moving the faulting code to inside the using block. Exiting using block means the variable has been disposed off and can't used anymore.